Кениец Кипчоге установил мировой рекорд в марафоне

Кипчоге первенствовал на Берлинском марафоне.
Элиад Кипчоге
Getty Images

Олимпийский чемпион Рио в марафонском беге кениец Элиад Кипчоге победил на Берлинском марафоне с новым мировым рекордом. Спортсмен преодолел дистанцию 42 194 метра за два часа, одну минуту и 39 секунд.

Кипчоге на одну минуту и 18 секунд превзошел достижение соотечественника Денниса Киметто, которое тот установил также на Берлинском марафоне в 2014 году.


Today the 16th of September 2018, I ran a world record in Berlin, it couldn’t happen without the support of the following: My gratitude and honor goes to: 1. My family I thank my wife (Grace) and my kids (Lynne, Griffin and Jordon) for the overwhelming support they gave me for the last 4 months of training, you always inspire me and you are my ignition key. 2. Coaches My coach Patrick Sang is my all-time coach and supporter, he is my life coach not forgetting his two assistants (Meto and Koech). You made this day realizable. 3. Global Sports Communication This is a wonderful management, led by director Jos Hermens and Valentijn Trouw, and all entire team, you are such a wonderful management company. 4. Nike Nike company led by Phil Knight and sports marketing Capriotti, not forgetting the innovation and design team. On the other hand the physiologists led by Brett Kirby, thank you for the support for over 15 years. 5. NN Running Team You are such a wonderful team and the spirit of bringing teammates to the sports is overwhelming. 6. My training mates Kaptagat team, you are such a wonderful family, I like you all, I wish everybody all the best in the coming races. Cheers brothers and sisters, teamwork is the key. 7. Isuzu company It’s a wonderful local and international car manufacturer, you gave me another leg to train on by providing all my transport. I will always be with you. Tuko Pamoja Safarini. 8. My fans I totally respect all my fans across the globe, from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all social media. You always push me ahead. In one word ‘Thank you’ all and God bless you all.

Публикация от Eliud Kipchoge (@kipchogeeliud)