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Звезды WWE собрались вместе, чтобы испольнить свой вариант рождественской песни под названием Ring The Bell.

Слова песни Ring The Bell

Dashing to the show (all)
So we can entertain (all)
O'er top ropes we'll go (all)
Hope I land on Kane (Damien Sandow)

Funk is on a roll (Brodus Clay)
When you step into that ring (AJ Lee)
Yes no yes no... OK yes (Daniel Bryan)
I'm not going to sing! (Kane)


Ring the ball, ring the bell (all)
The season's here no doubt (all)
We won't stop until we win (all)
Or I'm gonna knock you out (Big Show)

We go out to compete (all)
All alone (Randy Orton), Or in a pair (Prime Time Players)
I can't eat enough red meat (Ryback)
We fly through the air (Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara)

I'm the best in this whole world (CM Punk)
I know that is not true (Sheamus)
Excuse me... don't you start a fight (Vickie Guerrero)
Can you dig it? You sing too! (Booker T)

Ring the bell, ring the bell (all)
We hope that you're inspired (all)
If you aren't entertained (all)
Vince will say "YOU'RE FIRED!" (all and Vince McMahon)

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